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New allergens for individual diagnosis of allergy

10 december 2015

New allergens for individual diagnosis of allergy

Astra Biotech expands the allergy panel by 170 new biotinylated allergens.

38th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference

29 may 2015

38th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference

Presentation of successful study of Astra Biotech's Cystic Fibrosis Microarray-on-a-chip

Rapid DNA Extraction kit – Now available!

17 february 2015

Rapid DNA Extraction kit – Now available!

Astra Biotech launches a new kit for superfast DNA extraction.

New allergens for individual diagnosis of allergy

28 january 2015

New allergens for individual diagnosis of allergy

Astra Biotech expands the allergy panel by 70 new biotinylated allergens.

Reliable detection of the Cystic Fibrosis causing mutations

28 january 2015

Reliable detection of the Cystic Fibrosis causing mutations

A successful study at the Children and Adolescent Clinic of the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carusin Dresden.