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Phone: +49 (0)30-74 696 509
Fax: +49 (0)30-367 405 135
E-Mail: info@astrabiotech.de


21 october 2013

Meet us at the MEDICA in Dusseldorf!

We’ll be glad to welcome you at our booth 3E27 and to inform you about our new products and services.

21 august 2013

DNA extraction from variety of biological samples

The new multi DNA Extraction kit permits rapid and efficient DNA extraction without the use of PCR-inhibiting phenols.

Cystic fibrosis microarray-on-a-chip – Now available!

23 april 2013

Cystic fibrosis microarray-on-a-chip – Now available!

Fast simultaneous detection of 25 mutations of CFTR-gene

Arab Health 2013 in Dubai

09 january 2013

Arab Health 2013 in Dubai

Visit Astra Biotech GmbH at our booth

RF12 in Sheikh Rashid Hall

at Arab Health Exhibition taking place at Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre from January, 28th to 31th, 2013.

Medica 2012: Hall 3, Booth 3E27

08 october 2012

Medica 2012: Hall 3, Booth 3E27

We are glad to invite you to our booth 3E27 at the Medica 2012 from 14th to 17th November in Düsseldorf to learn more about our products.