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Genetic tests awoke high interest at the Medica.

02 december 2010

Genetic tests awoke high interest at the Medica.

Our philosophy is that it is far better to be able to prevent a disease or to treat it with a view to reducing its effects rather than to start treatment when the disease has already progressed considerably. The company has developed genetic tests to identify predisposition to major multifactorial diseases such as osteoporosis and thrombosis so that early diagnostic will minimize the associated risks with these major disorders which affect a high percentage of the world’s population.

New diagnostic kit for estimating of genetic predisposition to osteoporosis.

29 september 2009

New diagnostic kit for estimating of genetic predisposition to osteoporosis.

The definition of polymorphism of VDR and Col1A1 genes gives an opportunity to forecast development of osteoporosis and to prescribe a prophylaxis and optimal therapy of the disease.