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Animal proteins

REF Code Description
50-31 e1 Cat epithelium
50-32 e2 Dog epithelium
50-30 e3 Horse dander
51-112 e4 Cow dander
51-77 e5 Dog dander
50-33 e6 Guinea pig epithelium
50-23 e7 Pigeon droppings
51-573 e31 Horse epithelium
51-607 e41 Cow epithelium
50-24 e70 Goose feathers
51-251 e71 Mouse epithelium
51-252 e74 Rat urine proteins
51-206 e77 Budgerigar droppings
51-113 e78 Budgerigar feathers
51-300 e79 Budgerigar serum
50-16 e80 Goat epithelium
51-26 e81 Sheep epithelium and wool
51-19 e82 Rabbit epithelium
51-253 e83 Pig epithelium
50-34 e84 Hamster epithelium
51-29 e85Chicken feathers
50-25 e86 Duck feathers
51-220 e87 Rat epithelium, serum proteins and urine proteins
51-221 e88Mouse epithelium, serum proteins and urine proteins
51-254 e89 Turkey feathers
51-234 e93Parakeet feathers
51-111 e100 Cat dander
51-301 e201 Canary bird feathers
52-108 e204 nBos d 6, BSA (Bovine serum albumin)
51-468 e208 Chinchilla epithelium
51-415 e209 Gerbil epithelium
51-250 e213 Parrot feathers
51-195 e214 Finch feathers
51-303 e215 Pigeon feathers
51-477 e218 Chicken droppings
52-117 e220 nFel d 2, Cat serum albumin
52-118 e221 nCan f 3, Dog serum albumin