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Treponema-Total Antibodies kit

REF 60-01

The Treponema-Total Antibodies kit is provided for the qualitative determination of IgG, IgA and IgM (total Ab) to Treponema pallidum (T. pallidum) in human serum, plasma and liquor

The Treponema-Total Antibodies ELISA kit is available in 4 kit sizes:

• REF 60-01-96 = 96 tests
• REF 60-01-192 = 192 tests
• REF 60-01-480 = 480 tests
• REF 60-01-960 = 960 tests

Syphilis is a chronic infection caused by Treponema pallidum. T. pallidum is an anaerobic gram-negative obligate bacteria of the Spirochaeta family. It usually transmitted from human to human during sexual acts via the mucosa. Although the disease may be transmitted by transfusion of infected blood, intrauterine infection also occurs.

The serological diagnosis of syphilis is performed demonstrating the presence of significant levels of specific anti-treponemal antibodies detectable within approximately 2-4 weeks post infection.

Kit volume, wells 96, 192, 480, 960
Diagnostic specifity, % 99,1
Probe human serum, plasma and liquor
Incubation time 30 Min +15 Min/ 30 Min + 10 Min at 400 -800 rpm
Incubation temperature 37°C
shelf life, months 12