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ELISA kits

Astra Biotech offers various In Vitro Diagnostics that are based on ELISA technology.
They are intended for detection and quantification of certain biomarkers in human blood serum and blood plasma.

Advantages of Astra Biotech ELISA kits

ELISA tests are based on immunological antigen-antibody-reactions. Due to enzyme kinetics and under consideration of the maximum efficiency most incubation of Astra Biotech ELISA kits are conducted via shaking and at +37°C. The incubation via shaking has the advantage of even mixing of the solutions, thus reducing the variation of the measured values within the plate and between several test runs of the same assay. It is recommended to evaluate the optimal shaking speed of the respective shaker by determination of known concentration of the calibrators and subsequently to keep it constant. The optimal temperature of immunological reactions is +37°C. In general, a reduction of this temperature leads to retardation of the reaction. Further, a constant incubation temperature provides independence from fluctuation of the surrounding temperature.

Features of Astra Biotech ELISA kits

The Astra Biotech ELISA kits are offered as 96-well plates with breakable strips allowing partial usage. Other compositions of the kits may be available as well. If stored at +2…+8°C the most kits have a shelf life of 18 months.