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DHEA-Sulfate ELISA kit

REF 20-01

The DHEA-S ELISA kit is intended for the quantitative determination of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in human serum.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) is a steroid hormone mainly produced by adrenal cortex. The function of DHEA-S in the organism is not yet definitely specified. The hormone has a weak androgenic effect. In peripheral tissues it can be converted into testosterone- a very strong androgen. DHEA-S does not bind to special transport proteins in blood circulation. There is no circadian rhythm in DHEA-S secretion. Quantitative assay of DHEA-S is required  for differential diagnostics of ovariopathies as well as for adrenal function assessment in pubescence and for differential diagnostics of Cushing syndrome and Cushing disease.

Kit volume, wells (including controls) 96
Analytical sensitivity, μg/mL 0.04
Range of evaluated concentrations, μg/mL 0.04 - 10
Incubations 60 min + 10 min at 37°C


60 min at 37°C + 15-30 min at RT

Shelf life, months 18

MSDS DHEA-Sulfate kit