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Analytica 2012 in München

02 februar 2012

Analytica 2012 in München

Wir laden alle Interessenten herzlich ein, uns

am Stand 362 in der Halle A3

auf der Analytica 2012 vom 17. bis 20. April zu besuchen!

  Katalog 2012 zum Herunterladen

23 november 2011

Katalog 2012 zum Herunterladen

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen unseren Katalog 2012 mit einer Reihe von neuen Produkten zu präsentieren. 2012 erscheinen neue genetische Tests im real-time PCR und Microarray Format.

Medica 2011 Halle 3, Stand G54

05 august 2011

Medica 2011 Halle 3, Stand G54

Wir laden alle Interessenten herzlich ein, uns

am Stand 3G54

bei der Medica 2011 vom 16. bis 19. November zu besuchen!

Arab Health in Dubai 24-27 January 2011

27 dezember 2010

Arab Health in Dubai 24-27 January 2011

We'll be glad to see you on our booth PB14 at the Arab Health exhibition.

Genetic tests awoke high interest at the Medica.

02 dezember 2010

Genetic tests awoke high interest at the Medica.

Our philosophy is that it is far better to be able to prevent a disease or to treat it with a view to reducing its effects rather than to start treatment when the disease has already progressed considerably. The company has developed genetic tests to identify predisposition to major multifactorial diseases such as osteoporosis and thrombosis so that early diagnostic will minimize the associated risks with these major disorders which affect a high percentage of the world’s population.